people in organisations
At Talent Internatonal we believe that everyone has talent(s). In a rapidly changing world, it is important that you continue to develop talent in order to remain effective and competitive as an organisation. This can be done through training, coaching, gaining experience, having a mentor or adequate management by managers.
Talent is based on a person’s personality and natural strengths. As a starting point for talent development, it is therefore important to have a clear picture of this. Then, you can determine which talents and qualities are already noticeably present, which ones can still be tapped into and how to shape that development. This way, people remain sustainably employable.
In successful organisations, talents achieve performance in agile teams with competent leaders. Our strengths lie in coaching on development and change in people and organisations.

People in organisations
Talent International is an agency with more than 20 years of experience in Talent Management, Leadership Development, Outplacement, Coaching, Assessments and Dealing with Change.
Together with our International partners we jointly offer our services in more than 40 countries around the world. We provide consistent and high-quality support and handling of your international (HR)D projects in all required countries. The assignments are conducted in English or local languages as required.
Whether we coach several people from one organisation or a single individual, we always deliver custom-made solutions for outplacement. No two people are the same and no situation is the same. Do you, as an entrepreneur, have to let go of employees (as a result of a decrease in turnover due to COVID-19)? With an outplacement you take social responsibility. It is a sign of good employment practices and it offers your (former) employee(s) advice and support in finding a new job.
We pair everyone up with a suitable coach, so that you can be open and speak freely during the coaching sessions.
Based on e-assessments you gain insight into your qualities and competences. This way you choose suitable follow-up steps.
A new job
40% of our outplacement candidates have a new job within 3 months. After 1 year, 97% have a new job.
You know that the success of the organisation is related to the individual success of your people. There may be a need for coaching at various times in the organisation For example, as a result of the outcome of an assessment or performance interview. When there are questions about personal or professional development. To improve collaboration in a team or for executives, management or staff members. Coaching improves the employability of the people who use it. This benefits both themselves and the organisation.
“To measure is to know.” That sounds corny, but it is true. With insight you can work on development, inspiration and results. Thanks to our extensive experience, we are able to offer suitable assessments for all conceivable job grades. From e-assessments and short competence scans to a full (executive) assessment & development center.
With the help of our assessment programs you will gain insight into the participant’s intellectual capacities, personality and (leadership) competences and the (im)possibilities with regard to developments. The result is often confirmatory, sometimes surprising, but always enlightening.
is investing in the success of your organisation.
Wij coach employees, teams and managers.
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We help your employees deal with change.
- Talent International -
because of the economic consequences of COVID-19?
We provide new perspectives with custom-made outplacement.
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international partners
We are part of a global network with partners in more than 40 countries around the world. Our goal is to support international projects by ensuring consistent and high-quality deployment in various countries.

The Association of Career Firms International (ACF) and its members are committed to promoting best practices in the areas of outplacement services, coaching, and related activities. As an ACF member, we guarantee the correct handling of all assignments that we carry out.

Several of our career coaches are members of Noloc, the Dutch association for career professionals and jobcoaches, and can therefore call themselves Noloc Recognized Career Professional.